Saturday, February 15, 2014

30 years

So, today I am 30. Well, technically I'm not 30 yet because as I type this it's only 7:59, and I was born at 8:36 am.  I answer my ringing phone every year at 8:36 am on the dot to my parents serenading me with a beautiful rendition (hehe) of Happy Birthday  . Let me just say, in the past 30 years, they have really perfected their Happy Birthday duet. :) If you would like your own yearly birthday ditty, you can speak to their manager (ehhem, me!), and I'm certain that she would cut you a fair deal.

hoops and yo yo

I heart Hoops and Yo-Yos

So, I've  been stuck in bed with the flu for the past two days. Wahh.  Just to give you an idea of how sick I was, I will have you know that I'm actually enjoying my first cup of coffee in two days. TWO DAYS! That's how I gauge my level of sickness, by the way. If I can still crave and sip coffee, I'm ok. If not, I crawl back under the covers and come out when conditions improve. Who's with me? On a side note, this coffee is particularly activating after having gone two days without it. I can barely keep my mits on the keyboard! Zingggg!


For all you Sex and the City lovers, I think of this episode whenever I get sick. There is a Sex and the City episode for every life event. Just sayin...

zing coffee

Ok, so back to the big 3-0.  I have some thoughts on my journey to 30, but my brain is still not firing at all cylinders, so I'm going to save the deep stuff for tomorrow when I will hopefully be less flu foggy. I have a beautiful day on tap, complete with a massage, a close friend's engagement party, a fancy dinner date with my love, and  depending on my energy level, perhaps some more friendship time. I'm not a big birthday person, really. It's kind of just another day to me. Don't get me wrong, I love having an excuse to use the "it's my birthday I get my way" line (sorry PJ, I may use this more often than just February 15th!).   In addition, I do love the quintessential birthday dinner that comes along with the making it to another year on this earth.


On my birthday, I tend to think less about how many years I have been lucky enough to walk this planet but instead about the people who brought me here. Sure, 30 is a big one for me, but I would venture to guess it's even a bigger day for my parents. They created me, they raised me, they guided me, they were there with me through the good, and they helped me trudge through the bad and the ugly. Let me tell you, things did get a little ugly!  They gave me the support, space, and the much needed safety net to become the woman I was supposed to be.  

baby to bride

Mom and Dad, thanks for walking me down the road from baby to bride-to-be

All my love,


Something to think about (because I love sparkles!):


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sweaty Sunday Funday

Hey There!

I hope everyone had a nice day. I started my Sunday off with a little car trouble, which is always a stinky surprise when you're on your way out to an appointment! I went to unlock the door and noticed that the button on the key wasn't communicating with the car. I had a feeling that the battery was dead, but I still manually opened the door and attempted to start the car. No dice. Luckily roadside assistance came quick ,and I was back in business.  On the positive side, at least I noticed my unresponsive SUV this morning instead of early tomorrow when there will be snow on the ground,  and I will be heading to an early work meeting.

car troublehehe.

Once my car was up and running, I made my way to the yoga class I had attempted to attend earlier this morning. Luckily there were two class options led by the teacher that I wanted to take, so I squeezed my way into the later class. I went to hot revolution yoga in Garwood, NJ to take class with an amazing yoga teacher and family friend. I thought I had taken hot yoga before, but I think it was just yoga in a warm room that I called hot yoga.

boob sweat

Let me tell you, I looked like I took a bath after class. The class and the teacher, Toni, were both amazing. Now that I know what an actual hot yoga class is, next time I will remember to bring a towel to put over my mat as I looked like I was on a slip and slide for the majority of the class. I will also be sure to grab a towel with which to mop off. Thank you to my generous yogi neighbor who took pitty and passed me her extra towel in the middle of class. You live, you learn, right?


I have to say, it was a nice treat attending a live yoga class. As many of you know, I use yogaglo almost exclusively for my practice, so I don't regularly receive alignment corrections from a teacher, or interaction from the neighbor on the next mat. I have to admit, I do enjoy practicing alone. I don't have to worry about knocking someone over if (or when!) I fall out of a pose, and my alignment is usually pretty intuitive as I have limited ability to see my own body as it moves through each pose. With that said, it's nice to have a teacher walk you through a class that is completely different than what you are used to.  There's also a sense of community in a yoga class that creates a different type of energy and presence during the practice. I mean, some of this peaceful vibe  I feel could be attributed to the fact that I'm not gazing at the dust bunnies under my couch when I chaturrunga. Just sayin'....

Alive in the Fire_Robert Sturman Photo 4

Aside from a great sweat, I took away some pearls from this morning's class. My fave yoga teachers tend to combine mindful movement along with encouraging the student to notice, but not judge, the "crap" or self limiting beliefs that comes up in his or her mind.Today's class fulfilled all of my expectations and more. I can say that it was surely the first class where I have had to move through a standing sequence with my eyes closed while holding on to both neighbors hands. Very interesting and cool concept to illustrate just how much we can accomplish when we unite, trust each other, and help one another.

That's all I got for tonight, kids. It was one of those relaxing weekends where you catch up on life and you don't feel like you need another weekend to recover from your weekend. You know the weekends I'm talking about. :) Good stuff. Enjoy some more pics from the past couple days :)

014Besties smoochin'




Really, Freshdirect?  This whole big box for just this pack of tomatoes!?


Short boots. short tights. don't care.


Green goodness.


Tea. Lots of tea :)




You can never catch to many zzzZZZ'z or snuggles :)


Pants can double as a pillow.

Something to think about:







Saturday, February 8, 2014

Listen, It's Just an Earth Suit...

Hey There!

I tried to pop in yesterday as promised, but unfortunately it just didn't happen! It's been a crazy week with weather, work, and travel.

019I thoroughly enjoyed having a quiet night at home complete with my jammies and a home made noodle bowl for dinner.


A hot cuppa tea...


And hanging out with these two...

little things

I also squeezed in a lovely yoga practice last night which felt quite delicious after a few hectic days. Isn't it awesome how our love and appreciation for something totally blossoms when we take just a little time away from it?

yoga 3

I had a couple of thoughts on what I wanted to discuss in this post, and while both ideas seem to warrant a discussion, I'm going to have to choose. There is always tomorrow to make another choice, right?

If you're someone who has been reading my blog for a while now (many thanks and hugs!), you may have picked up on the fact that I have a lot of thoughts on how for many of us, we let our body image tie directly into our self worth. While I think that the media and our society in general encourage this unhealthy relationship between our bodies and our worth, I do believe that we as men and women have the ability to change this conversation if even just a little bit.

i am my soul

In a society driven by materialism, aesthetics, and excess, I think it's completely obvious as to why many of us have fallen down the rabbit hole of defining ourselves by what is on the outside. While I am so greatful for the world that I live in, I also believe that to stay sane, healthy, and truly happy, it 's critical that we remind ourselves that our body really is just our "earth suit".  Yes, I did just say earth suit. Stay with me...



I can't remember specifically where I heard the term "earth suit", but I recall reading an article once where the author described her physical body as her earth suit. These two little words were a total game changer for me. I mean, think about it. YOU are not actually your body. You are everything inside. Your body does for your soul what clothing does for our physical bod; both make sure we aren't freezing our asses off and totally naked. Both "suits" give us the opportunity to slowly remove layers based on how we are feeling physically and emotionally.. hubba, hubba, jk! :)  For example, I can choose clothing to express my current mood or state of mind, but I am not my clothing, am I? I have made some fairly questionable fashion choices in the past, so I would  hope I am not my clothing( can we say leg warmers and stilettos... in 2005!?). I have also made some risque choices with my "earth suit", but do those changes and choices define me? I would have to say, no. My earth suit , much like my fashion choices, does not always look exactly the same. I can take care of my earth suit and make sure I keep it clean (hahah most of the time), nourished, and strong, but I'm not my earth suit.

me crayons

Clearly, from a young age I took fashion risks:) Crayon bucket as a hat? Yes please.


I was channeling Carrie Bradshaw before there was even Carrie Bradshaw.. can you say fashion forward?

ANYWAYS...In the past few months, I have been taking notice of the way women comment on each others bodies. While I do try to be mindful of making any comments  regarding another persons body shape or size, I am certainly guilty of making the occasional weight based comment. We are all human, and in a society that puts diet, exercise, and achieving a slender physique on a pedestel, it's  no wonder that we're conditioned to look at these activities as measures of greatness.

With that said, I'm going to be ballsy and opinionated say that there is virtually no comment that one can make regarding another's body that is ever taken as just a compliment. Body comments promote insecurity. Some of you may disagree, but I think generally the receiver of the "comment" is not just thinking about how their body looks now, but also what your comment means regarding how their bod looked before or how it might look after. If you comment positively on someone looking slender, they may think,  "hey, that's great, but what does that mean about how I looked before?". Did I look porky and not know it? Why is is good that I look slender? Is  it less than ideal that I had a little extra cushin' for the pushin'? Am I a more respectable person because I now look thinner?

dog fat

That person may start to feel that if they don't receive positive commentary on their body after they receive the initial comment that something is wrong , and that slender is what they need to achieve to receive positive feedback.  I know this may sound over analytical, and I am certainly not speaking for every person on the planet. I am just offering up some thoughts on what I personally have noticed and concluded based on my observations.


So how else can we compliment someone or make a statement regarding an observation we have made about their physical appearance? I'll share some of the compliments that people have paid me that have made me feel absolutely wonderful, but had nothing to do with the size of my body.

"You look alive"

"You are glowing"

"You look happy"

"You look beautiful as always"

Sure these comments may be about physical appearance, but they are also a reflection of what is going on underneath my earth suit. Get where I'm going? I challenge you to think about some of these other ways of describing someone's appearance, and perhaps give one of these bad boys a go next time you think someone is looking particularly slammin'.

I highly encourage you to check out the What I be project for a super cool expression of  how not to be defined by your body or past experiences. The heart of this project is rooted in building security through sharing insecurities.

what i be

Here is one photo from their body image series.

Alright, that was a lot. I hope you have a lovely weekend. I'll be back tomorrow with a bit less heavy material.

Something to think about:


-Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City



Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Puppy Snuggler by Day, Gal about Town by Night..

Hi There!

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and for those of you here in NJ/NY, I hope that you had a nice snow day/work from home day yesterday!


I must admit that my work ensemble was quite cozy yesterday.


I babysat this little devil over the weekend. PJ's best friend moved to Jersey City, so we offered to take his little monster for the day so that he could get things done without a rambunctious pup frolicking around the apartment! My gosh, this little guy has SO much energy. I envisioned snuggling him on the couch all day, but he and Toby played for about 5 hours straight. It was cute, but two dogs running around a small apartment can be a bit chaotic. I told PJ that babysitting Oliver, who is six months old, was good puppy birth control for me. I am used to taking  Toby out about 2-3 times per day (and let's be honest, I make PJ do most of the walking), but puppies need to go out like 7! They get happy, they pee! They jump too high, they pee! The wind blows, they pee!Aside from the happy piddles, it really was a super fun afternoon, though.






A few short moments of slumber.

pure food and wine

(photo credit:

On Saturday night, my friend LL and I headed out for dinner and drinks. I had been wanting to try an upscale veggie/vegan place in the city to see what the cuisine would be like , so we settled on Pure Food and Wine.


When I made the reservation, I had visions of the infamous Sex and the City episode where the gals go to the raw restaurant that Samantha meets Smith at.

great-sexpectations-1024Miranda and Carrie are so repulsed by the cuisine that they go out for pizza afterwards. I am happy to report that our experience was much better than Carrie and Miranda's, although I did have my doubts at first.


Wild Arugula, Curly Red Mustard Greens and Fresh Figs
apple, buckwheat poppy crunch, orange mascarpone, citrus poppy dressing


Photo Credit:

Portabella Mushroom with Cauliflower and Horseradish Aioli 
kale chimichurri, mango salsa, barbecue sauce, haricots verts


Photo Credit:

Hen of the Woods Tacos al Pastor
smoked guacamole, hearts of palm, fresh corn, guajillo crema fresca, pickled onions


Layered Gingerbread Cake with Bourbon Cream 
cinnamon-spice snap cookie, pumpkin ice cream, warm cranberry-apple cider

I snagged a couple pics (with photo cred of course) because mine came out too dark. I prefer not to distract from my dining experience by spending time on snapping the perfect pic of my dish. I will say that I totally forgot that the food I was eating was vegan. Each course we was SO flavorful and fresh, and there were a plethora of different flavors and consistencies combined in each dish. I will say that the menu was a little $$ for not including any meat or dairy, but the whole dining experience was great, so I didn't mind paying a little extra.

024After dinner, Le- La and I walked around the city for a bit (mostly because we couldn't figure out how to get to where we were going) and stopped at the Flatiron Lounge for a cocktail flight. Unfortunately, the drinks looked much prettier than they tasted. O well!


Ok, time to go. I'm actually heading out of town for a few days of work meetings, so I will probably catch you all on Friday. Toby is hoping that I will mistake him for a sweater and pack him in my suitcase.

Something to think about:


* This little nugget is a great seguey into my next post :)

Be Good!

