FYI- I love glasses. Anyways, I realize I am probably the worst blogger ever. I have been crazy busy these past two weeks, but I vow to organize my time better (I really need to do this!) so I can keep the posts comin'! I'm not really sure if I am being presumptuous to assume that anyone has missed me, but I can tell you for sure that my new mommy co-worker (she peruses my posts during 3 am feedings :) !) and my own mommy have missed me at least!
Here are some updates from the past week!
On Sunday evening, I made dinner for some girlfriends. I made an awesome appy that I snagged from Iowa Girl Eats.
These were so delicious and easy to make! To check out the recipe:
Um, clearly my photography skills are lacking as the pic from the original recipe is WAY better. These kind of look like something VERY inedible (catch my drift?!), but I swear they rock.
Dinner: Seared sea scallops with pineapple jalapeno salsa and coconut rice!
I have never made coconut rice before, but it was really fun and easy. I don't think I really like coconut rice in general (I have never had it?!) , but I did enjoy making it!
I adapted the recipe from Oh She Glows which is a vegan website. What I love about the recipes on this site are that they are extremely creative and flavorful, and you can easily substitute ingredients and non veganize (word?!) them. For example, her recipe called for tofu rather than scallops. If you are interested in recipe, here it is!
**NOTE** The salsa is VERY spicy. There was a lot of coughing and water drinking going on at my little dinner party. If I were you, I would cut down the amount of jalapeno the recipe calls for!
In other news, I also made this bangin' cilantro lime chickpea salad this week (also adapted from oh she glows). PJ and I loved it! Check it out here:
If you've noticed, I'm not very creative in the kitchen. I had a convo with my mom and a girlfriend about this a few weekends back. I am learning which flavors compliment each other and occasionally, I will successfully adapt a recipe to my own liking. However, the number of times my adaptation fails far outnumber the successful attempts. With that said, for now I'm going to leave the creative cooking to my friends, family, and other bloggy friends. If you want some wonderful, inventive recipes, check out my friend over at
In other non- food news, I was a bit of a theater sl*t (thanks, Val for coining this term!) this week! On Wednesday, I went to see The End of the Rainbow starring Tracie Bennet.
Anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE Judy Garland. Over the course of my years, I have read three books on Judy's life. She was such a talented actress and singer, and I find her whole rise to and fall from fame so tragic. I have loved Judy from a very young age...
Me as Dorothy. My mom sequinned those little shoes for me by hand. I probably wore them everyday, all day, following that Halloween! I finally grew out of them :( hrummph.
Ok, back to the show. If you get a chance, I would DEFINITELY recommend seeing The End of the Rainbow. The acting and portrayal of Judy in my opinion, were spot on. Tracie Bennet's voice is PHENOMENAL and really made me feel as if I was actually getting a sneak peek into Judy Garland's final years. I also bumped into one of the Real Housewives of New York City! Score!
On a funny side note, when you order wine at the theater, did you know they give it to you in a sippy cup? That's right. I'm talking the kind of cup you would give a toddler. I understand them not wanting you to spill all over the actors, but for those of us who insist on swigging out of a proper wine glass (me)- sippy cups filled with wine feel wrong for so many reasons. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers I suppose!
On Thursday night, PJ and I went to see The Book of Mormon. He gave me the tickets back in December to mark three years together :) Can you believe he had to get the tickets in December for an August show?! Crazy.
This show was AMAZING. PJ (who does not like theater to put it nicely) loved the show. The two of us laughed through the entire performance. We woke up on Friday morning and played the soundtrack as we drank coffee and prepared for our respective days. We were still giggling. As funny as the content of the show is, the actors are GREAT and their voices are mind-blowing. I find it really impressive that the creators of this show were able to blend the humor of the shows topic and the fantastic acting/singing / music so well.
Yet another glass of wine in a sippy cup...bottoms up!
Snackies :) Guess how much it costs for two sippy cups of wine and one package or theater trail mix? That's right, a reasonable THIRTY DOLLARS! Ridonculous!
PJ lookin' sexy on the subway.
So, kiddies- that is what I have been up to. Last night, PJ and I finally made our own pizzas. I'll update you on that tomorrow. Today is a gray Saturday, which I am actually psyched about because there is a lot of cleaning that needs to be done around this place! I'm going to go and get at some yoga right now as I haven't done any type of exercise all week. I am kind of craving it, but enjoying being lazy, too. :)
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