Friday, April 11, 2014

It's Friday, so do some mouth yoga!

Happy Friday :)

I hope you all had a nice week. I thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful weather we were blessed with here in the northeast! It's amazing how the first signs of spring- warmish breeze, vibrant flowers, sunshine- can really change people's moods. Myself included. I notice that those first beautiful days make people so much nicer to each other. I'm not saying that people are usually assholes, but when you're not freezing your tush off or covered in rain its much easier to step outside yourself and have a conversation with someone just for the heck of it!

blog flowers

So yesterday, even though the weather was gorgeous, I still woke up and was freakin' grouchy. For all my lady friends out there, I was surprised with my monthly "gift"  and frankly felt kinda sick, tired, and uncomfortable. PJ, who looked scared of me, let me vent about how I was so aggravated with EVERYTHING. Even though I intellectually knew I was being super reactive and emotional, he didn't judge me and tell me I was being dramatic. He just listened.  Smart man (who also probably feared for his life!). The truth was, I just needed to get "it" out and be heard. I just needed to hear "it's ok, muffin". I didn't need him to make everything perfect, I just needed him to hold space for me to spew my frustration if you will. Typically, I hold my grouchy feelings inside and then totally lose my sh*t later in the day which as you can imagine, can really slow one down both physically and mentally.What a concept it is to just let out all that "crap" inside without judgement. It doesn't mean you have to "do" anything about your feelings and thoughts, or that you need someone to to tell you your thoughts and feelings are right or wrong, . In fact, saying them out loud and simply being heard does wonders for the soul.


True Dat.

The point of the story is that yesterday turned out to be such a wonderful day. It didn't start out that way, but I was patient with myself and didn't judge or beat myself up. Slowly but surely, things seemed to turn around. As I went through my work day, sure I had moments of frustration, but I tried to counter those moments by noticing something beautiful around me or thinking of something I was truly grateful for. Yesterday was one of those days where my first inclination was certainly not to skip through the streets smiling and thinking how grand life is. However, actively choosing to notice and be grateful for all the beauty around me transported me out of my head and into happiness.


Remember this, people. It's important. I'll be honest, it pisses me off that there are times when happiness has to be a choice and you can't just naturally feel sublimely happy. With that said, when we recognize that it's a choice, we technically do have access to the feeling of happiness all the time. Sometimes we just have to be a little bit more purposeful about feeling the feeling.

Since it's Friday, I'd love to share with you some of the great reads I came across this week! Enjoy!

On body image/nutrition...

WIAW: Why 1200 is so, so wrong

Scrap the Scale

One man's story of eating disorder recover <~~~ Amazing.

On spirituality...

Turn your shitty moments into shiny moments

I cannot deny that I rather enjoy sobriety  <~~~~ amazing article and AWESOME website/movement

Friday funnies....

Jubilant Dog <~~~ pee pee your pants funny

mouth yoga

Happy Friday... now go do some mouth yoga :)




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