Sunday, August 3, 2014

Soulful Sunday Stuff

Hey There!

Happy Sunday, my friends. I started my day off by dumping a whole cup of coffee on my coffee table. I mean, I know the table's name indicates that one of it's purposes is to hold coffee, but watching your first cup of freshly poured joe slowly spill across the table is majorly disappointing. Cleaning up coffee spillage when you haven't yet consumed coffee is no bueno. Womp, Womp. Anyway, I've got a refill, and I'm ready to chat!




So, I wanted to start off today by adding a few little nuggets onto this post which was basically an update of my life and my current relationship with alcohol. I redefined what I want my relationship with alcohol and part-aying to look like, and how I'm making that happen. I wanted to share with  a couple of resources I found super duper helpful in figuring out what my inner party pants was really after ,and how to work with that knowledge to become a mindful imbiber. First off, there were plenty of articles I read about transitioning to a relatively sober lifestyle. These were great inspiration, but they didn't speak directly to the part of me that was searching for something in that glass of vino. Nonetheless, these articles were powerful and trans formative, and I've added a few of them below if you're interested in reading.

7 things I learned during my year without alcohol (Thanks, D for this link! :)!)

Addictive Daughter <---- Amazing site with an even more amazing message! Do yourself a favor and read the founder's stories!

How I realized that alcohol was ruining my life

Why I don't drink alcohol and how to cut back on booze without become a hermit


There are definitely more great articles that I have read, but I didn't save them :( If you have an article related to this topic, post it in the comments section below! As I said, these accounts were all very inspiring, but my thought process really changed when I stumbled across the blog Such Different Skies. The blog's Aussie creator and author, Tara Bliss, is a beautiful writer, a free spirit, a yogi, and among many other things, a reformed party girl. Although I did not partake, Tara has a whole coaching series called The Party Girl's Guide to Peace (which is no longer being offered), and she is currently writing a book with the same title.  Click this link to read Tara's story and peruse the Party Girl's Guide To Peace archives. There is SO much good stuff, here. This girl makes you think, party people. I walked away from each article that I read feeling less alone, more empowered, and equip with questions to ask myself when the urge to indulge or overindulge arises. As I said in this post, sobriety to me does not mean never having a sip of a drink again, but I'm finding that by getting really clear with myself about what specifically I am wanting to feel when I reach for a cocktail, that my desire to consume it is GREATLY decreased. I don't feel like I can't drink, instead I feel that I don't really want to because I'm finally addressing the real shit underneath that makes me want to use drinking as a way to feel or appear different than I am. Who knew that dealing with your shit was the key all along?!


I hope you all find the info in this post helpful or thought provoking. It can be scary and kind of trippy when you get really honest with yourself, but in the end, I promise it's worth it. I'm certainly still on my journey, but I've had a taste of what life can be like when you take care of yourself inside and out, and let me just say that I highly recommend this type of life. 009

Happy Sunday :)




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