Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday Faves!

Greetings from Maine!

This is me blogging right now!

As promised, here are some of my favorite things. I am going to try to stick to five as I don't want to run out of favorite things to share :)

1. Totes adorbs sign my mom got for our cottage in Maine. It reminds me of the saying "happy as a pig in sh*t" except cuter and more beach appropriate!

2. Hydrangeas. This photo was taken at my parents cottage in Maine. I have memories from when I was little of my Grandpa bringing me fresh cut bouquets of these gorgeous flowers from his garden. Aside from their beauty, I think the memory is partly why I love them so much.

3.Red wine out of great wine glasses. This isn't my favorite wine, it's just what I'm drinking at the moment (mighty good, though!). I will do a post in the near future on the importance of sippin' out of a fabulous glass. I am a firm believer the glass itself can make a wine taste better (clearly this is all in my head, but for me it holds true!). :)

4. Armenian food (especially cooked my mother or little Armenian aunties). These are Vospov Kheyma which is combo of red lentils, bulgur wheat, onions , and spices. I can't post a recipe yet, because I haven't personally tried to make them!

My lunch today topped with the kheyma ( I only had one on the salad because I munched on about 3 before eating!) Del-ic-ious!!!

5.Anything involving salted caramel. This was the salted caramel ice cream my parents and I shared for dessert last night.

Before I head off for the evening, I will leave you with a personal experience which might give you some food for thought (no pun intended!).

Since I am sharing my Friday Faves, I am going to leave you one of my favorite quotes because I think it applies.

"Treat yourself as if you already are enough. Walk as if you are enough. Eat as if you are enough. See, look, listen as if you are enough. Because it's true."-Geneen Roth

I am often described as having a very bubbly and cheery personality (my boyfriend may staunchly disagree with this at times!) My dry cleaner one day giggled and told me that I am the happiest girl in the world. Did I think his statement as adorable? Yes. Was i flattered? Yes. Is he one hundred percent accurate? That would be a NO. For example, I had one of those days this week ( and it leaked into the following morning) where I was feeling kind of blah for lack of a better word. I found myself trying to plaster a smile on my face which is unlike me as I like to think I have a naturally sunny disposition. :) To put it plainly ,I was down in the dumps for no reason at all. After thinking about things for a while this is what I came up with:

Everyday is not going to be perfect. Your path to living well or whatever goal you have set for yourself is not straight; not linear. There will be days where you feel like you have taken two steps forward followed by a leap back. But guess what? Progress does not mean making perfect strides. What I have found to be one of the most important factors in making progress is discerning what can be learned from an obstacle or "bump in the road". Then, you put one foot in front of the other and keep on truckin'. Guilt and self loathing(which at the time seem like logical emotions to berate ourselves with) don't get us anywhere. Every day is a new day. You are given a clean slate and another opportunity to take care of yourself.

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