Hey Kids!
Long time no chat. I've been feeling a bit under the weather for the past few days, so I chose to refrain from blogging as I didn't feel that my fabulous readers would relish in the goory details of my illness. With that said, today was a pretty standard day; wake up ,drink copious amounts of coffee, eat brekkie, and then head off to work only to realize your car has been towed from your street due to the unfortunate oversight of the DO NOT PARK HERE sign stapled to tree next to said vehicle. Approximately $150 dollars and 6 gazillion tears later, I headed off to work. Thank goodness my wonderful boyfriend accompanied me to the tow pound to shield the innocent workers from my crying rage.

Despite this morning's rocky start, the day turned out to be pretty great. During the day, I started thinking about my past two-week hiatus from blogging and how I was going to succinctly share some of the cool things I cooked and did during my absence. I decided I am just going to do a random photo roll at the end of one of my next posts so that you can happily creep on my recent activities. Sound good?
I'll give ya a quick update on some things I did (and ate!) this weekend.
On Friday night, PJ and I grabbed a late and fantastic dinner at a new restaurant in Jersey City called
Razza. Razza is an amazing brick oven pizzeria. What I love about Razza's menu is that the offerings listed are limited which results in quality food options, wines, and beers. There is nothing on their menu that wasn't well thought out, created, and taste tested! In my opinion, whether you're creating pizza or a line of makeup, doing a few things wonderfully instead of churning out a number of things that are just so-so wins every time. Quality over quantity, my friends!

Entryway decor.

Brick Oven.


PJ and I split the delectable Mushroom Pizza (with some other good stuff on it). I'm a sucker for mushroom pizzas, and PJ is a sucker for any type of pizza. Score for me. If you live in the Jersey City/Hoboken area, definitely go to Razza for amazing pizza, wine, beer, and ambiance!
There hasn't been much new here on the creative food or exercise front. As I said, I haven't been feeling great so working out hasn't really happened. With that said, I haven't been in the mood to putter around the kitchen and try out new recipes either. Hey, it happens, but it definitely results in a lackluster blog post!
On Saturday morning, I did make a variation of my previously posted
banana pancakes and instead whipped up a batch of
pumpkin protein pancakes. Both recipes I adapted from the blog
Peanut Butter Fingers, which for the record , I LOVE.
Pumpkin Protein Pancakes(adapted from PB Fingers)
Serves one (makes three medium-sized pancakes)
- 2/3 cup old fashioned oats
- 1/4 cup cottage cheese (or greek yogurt!)
- 1 small scoop of protein powder
- 1/4 cup canned pumpkin
- 1 egg
- 1 egg white
- 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 1 tsp nutmeg
- Spray pan with cooking spray and heat to a medium heat
- Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and blend with an immersion blender until batter is relatively smooth and all ingredients are fully mixed
- Pour batter onto the warm pan to form three medium-sized pancakes
- Allow to cook until edges start to harden, about three minutes
- Flip pancakes and allow to cook until batter is no longer runny, about two more minutes
- Top with syrup, nutmeg or desired toppings and enjoy

**Note** I used a small scoop of the vanilla protein below:

These pancakes are phenomenal for all you pumpkin' lovers out there! The protein from the egg, cottage cheese, and protein powder result in a "stick to your ribs" brekkie!
On another note, today I finally made it back to el gimnasio and completed the following interval workout which I also snagged from Peanut Butter Fingers.

This bad boy is NO JOKE. It goes by super-duper quick, but it will leave you schweaty and feelin' strong when you complete it! I followed this up with a few upper body strength moves. It felt pretty awesome to get back to movin' the bod.
So, I'm sure at this point you're all wondering what the heck title of my post has to do with anything I've written about above. As I was driving around today, I started to
think about stress out about the many "incomplete tasks" on my to- do list. I'm definitely a perfectionist when it comes to excelling in my career and maintaing relationships with the people in my life. I loathe disappointing people, and I simply can't stand the thought of not completing an assigned task for work "perfectly". Now, I know perfection is not possible, but I can't help the way I'm wired. Despite these perfectionist tendencies, there are areas of my life where I am completely disorganized. I tend to have trouble slowing down to think about how to appropriately and effectively complete a task. I rush around like a chicken with my head cut off leaving loose ends all over the place! All of these loose ends and uncompleted tasks cause me unnecessary anxiety and stress that I carry with me all day long. Now, I know that I can't plan my life away, and I certainly don't intend to. However, my goal for the next year is to create a plan to organize myself which will allow me to A) complete more of the items on my to-do list and B) save me from some of my mental chaos! About a year ago, I read Maria Menounous' book
The Everygirl's Guide to Life. I absolutely loved Maria's approach to getting what you want out of life. She is one uber-organized chick!The book is practical, girly, inspirational, and thought provoking. Plus, that Maria (who is a Boston native might I add!) is just too adorable! Maria says in her book that the key to happiness is organization. Now, I think to most this might sound like a rather pathetic definition of the key to happiness; however, when I really sat and thought about her statement, I realized that on some level, girlfriend is spot on. When I feel my absolute best, confident, and happy, I usually have "all my ducks in a row". I feel more grounded in the present moment because my attention is not being pulled to the "you should's" or "you didn't do's". Makes sense, right? If you have a chance to pick up Maria's book, do it. It's a quick read, but there are definitely some tricks and tips worth noting.
Something to think about: Do you feel like you are running around like a chicken with your head cut off? Do you ever feel like you are so organized in certain areas of your life but totally discombobulated in others? Are there organizational processes you can implement that will slow you down and make you more present in your life?Ok, my friends. Time to shower, finish up some work, and get ready for American Horror Story!!!Wheee.